QD Suppressor 7.62 mm


*Initial fee

Highly efficient QD Suppressor for 7.62 mm semi-automatic and automatic firearms with gas spring. 5.45 DESIGN suppressor is compatible with most of the muzzles. It is a great solution for soldiers, sport shooters and hunters that work with several rifles simultaneously. Weight: 571 gr. Diameter: 45 mm. Length: 212 mm. Length at muzzle end: 203 mm. Suppression: 27 db.

Special muzzle brake construction allows the air to flow through the suppressor, eliminating the barrel pressure increase and toxic gas release in the operator’s direction. Muzzle brake mounts to the barrel easily, it is fixed automatically. In order to detach it, you just need to press a special button.

  • Material: heat-resistant stainless steel, duralumin, titanium
  • Coating: Cerakote ceramics, glass bead blasting
  • Servicing: can be disassembled
5.45 DESIGN QD Suppressor features
  • No back pressure and gases to operator’s direction
  • Flash suppression system. Gases will flow through filter which decreases the visible flash
  • Quick-detachment muzzle brake without thread
  • Compatible with various muzzles
  • No increase in bolt velocity. High bolt velocity can cause malfunctions and gun break
  • Decreased recoil and muzzle rise due low bolt velocity
  • No increase in rate of full automatic fire
  • No increase in receiver’s carbon depositing
  • No need to adjust gas spring and other settings
  • Small and lightweight
  • Reduce of thermal emitting and heat haze