"Phantom" Thermal Underwear | Online Magazine Article

"Phantom" Thermal Underwear | Online Magazine Article
22 March 2021

Thermal underwear has been a great helper in human life for a long time already. It increases comfort for military personnel, athletes and travelers. There is a huge variety of thermal underwear produced by different companies on the market nowadays. The models vary in strength and price. Our article is dedicated to "Phantom" thermal underwear produced by Russian company named 5.45 DESIGN.



The set of thermal underwear is made from nylon material that has quite unique characteristic properties. The synthetic material is sustainable to temperature changes and chemicals, which makes the underwear extremely durable. The nylon structure is completed by 15% of elastane, so this thermal underwear is also very elastic and stretchy. Just as all the other types of these sets, "Phantom" is the most efficient when the size is chosen right. When you pick the thermal underwear, pay attention to the fit. It should fit closely without puffing up.

"Phantom" underwear is made from different types of materials, there are five types of fabric weaving in different areas of the body that ensure more efficient use of thermal underwear.

Types of weaving and their location

Aeration grid – provides the best air circulation in areas of increased perspiration:

  • under the elbow and knee fold;
  • in the underarm and groin areas;
  • in the coccyx area.

Protector inserts are located in the shoulders, in the area of elbow and knee fold.

Cellular weaving inserts remain dense when stretched and keep warmth efficiently even during active movement.

Pores are used in areas of mild perspiration:

  • on the forearm;
  • calves;
  • abdomen.

Pores create a heat-forming layer and reduce dynamic coefficient. Micro-channel system prevents the sweat from flowing down the body.

Gills are located:

  • along the spine;
  • under the knee folds;
  • in the abdomen area.

Gills collect excess moisture and use it for thermal regulation. Gills also can reduce the dynamic coefficient.

Rib weaving is located:

  • in the area of abdomen oblique muscles;
  • forearms;
  • thighs and calves.

Compression properties allow to maintain the muscle energy intensity for a long time.

There are all the types of weavings in the chest area because it needs more ventilation. The company logos are embroidered in the chest and lower back area. They contain info about the fabric type, size and thermal underwear care instructions on the belt of pants and t-shirt. This option is very convenient because all the useful information is always visible.

Special sets

"SpetsVoenProm" Ltd together with the textile industry research institute created Russian sets of durable high quality underwear for special enforcement personnel. There are three options of such sets:

  1. "Phantom Demi" includes a sweatshirt and pants.
  2. "Phantom Summer" includes a t-shirt and underpants.
  3. "Phantom Winter" includes a sweatshirt with zippered stand collar and pants.


This thermal underwear is produced having in mind all the wishes and requirements of special enforcement personnel. Amongst its properties are:

  • underwear does not have side seams;
  • dense areas are reinforced with polyurethane thread with use of knitting machines;
  • crucial areas are connected with single weavings ensuring protection and thermoregulation in various climate conditions;
  • there is a production label on the inside of the item and colored logo embroidered with polyamide thread on the outside.

When you choose thermal underwear, pay attention to the cut. "Phantom" models should be as comfortable as possible.

Thermal underwear for sport

X-Bionic is a thermal underwear created for professional athletes. But Russian "Phantom" models can compete with its quality. Nowadays Reebok sports clothing is one of the most popular on market. It is very bright and comfortable in use but it lacks functional details. It prevents overheating, helps to evaporate excess sweat and it is easy to remove sweat from the face with a sleeve. It also prevents you from freezing during pauses in activity. Thermal underwear sits perfectly during active motion, it does not slide down or up.


5.45 DESIGN thermal underwear advantages

"Phantom" thermal underwear is pretty unique. Its fabric has several advantages:

  • soft, lasting, high quality, elastic;
  • durable;
  • has compression and damping properties;
  • easy to use and care;
  • hypoallergenic.

Thermal underwear care:

  • protect it from the prolonged exposure to the direct sun;
  • wash at the temperature below 40°C;
  • don’t wash it together with clothes that has metal zippers and hooks;
  • don’t use fabric softener;
  • let it dry in the horizontal position;
  • do not iron it.

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