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"Python" Tube Scarf | Review

"Python" Tube Scarf | Review
10 April 2020

It is interesting that this scarf's history is connected with warfare: even Ancient China warriors used such to protect themselves from wind and cold weather. Many great empires used various headwear and it was possible to determine the person’s occupation by the look and shape of his hat.


Our tube scarf can be used not only by warriors but also by tourists, mountain climbers, athletes and all the people leading an active lifestyle. "Python" is simple, comfortable, multipurpose and very efficient in use. It is made by 100% polyester. This material ensures properties needed for every user category:

  • durable and wear resistant;
  • easy in care;
  • resistant to acids and low alkalis;
  • keeps the shape after long wear time;
  • doesn’t sprawl after the wash;
  • quickly dries down;
  • heat resistant;
  • dirt resistant, no pellets;
  • protects from UV radiation.

Size: width 25 cm, length 52 cm. This size is enough to create many use options in various conditions.


  1. "Scarf" option - protects from the adverse weather conditions and keeps the neck warm without causing discomfort and chaffing.
  2. "Mask" option - is applicable when it is necessary to camouflage the face. Moreover, by covering the nose and mouth you create a barrier that minimizes the possibility of sand and small particles penetration. It will also protect you from the wind and other adverse weather conditions.
  3. "Balaclava" option. This headwear name was created during the Crimean war. Since then this model of protective headwear began to be used in many different areas.This option can be worn with an open or closed face, together with a baseball cap or panama hat.
  4. "Band" option. The main goal of this option is to wick the sweat from the forehead and to prevent it from getting into the eyes. It also removes the hair from the face so they don’t block the view. “Python” scarf stays in shape so the band will not be displaced and will not squeeze the head too tightly.
  5. "Beanie" option is the best backup if you lost your main hat or if the weather has changed suddenly.
  6. "Pirate" option can protect the head and nape from heat, cold and wind.

Choose and wear a tube scarf in any option. You can purchase a "Python" tube scarf in our genuine color options.

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